Welcome to part 3 of my list here I will be talking about Lost Galaxy / Lightspeed Rescue / Time Force.
So let's start with Lost Galaxy personally
i don't consider Lost Galaxy as part of the Zordon Era
to it's more like an epilogue to that era and a bridge to the new era,
It more like a statement "the Zodron era was ended but the power rangers haven't ".
Now for the Galaxy Rangers and their powers
Ups wrong Galaxy Rangers |
there we go the right ones |
They still have their powers
(except one) has seen in Forever Red and in Trakeena's Revenge in both
episode they retrieved their Quasar Sabers from the stone in
witch they were held for 3,000.I not why are they putting them back every time they used them outside their series maybe they need to recharge them or something.
Mike has lost his Magna Defender powers in order to save the colony.
That's too bad because he was a cool character and his sentai counter was appeared in Gokaiger.
I am
curios about how will they bring him back because the Lost Galaxy are
kinda sorta pre Zordon era
where stuck in
stone for 3,000 and 3,000 years ago on Earth there was that Org incident pretty interesting
.Now know that Zordon is older that his witch leaves me with the inevitable question "What role did he play during does events?"
i mean he could stand addible by while the evil forces win maybe that's why he is
a head in a tube he fought them as AkaRed and he was scared
.Okay enough
fanfiction or fan theory back to the list btw AkaRed was appeared on Gokaiger.
Zordon As AkaRed sound awesome ? |
Now for my favorite part of this list the zords.
First up are the Galactazords/Galactabeasts and the Galaxy Megazord.
The Galactabeasts are actually living creatures that turn into zords or mechs weird but okay and they are still alive.
Next up is Torozord/Defender Torozord unfortunately he was destroyed but he did saved the colony so he died like a badass.
Mega Defender |
The Mega Defender isn't a Zord the Magna Defender grows and becomes the Mega Defender do I need to explain how awesome this is.
So let's ride with the Centaur and look at Centaurus Megazord
.He was destroyed during the finale of the show.
BTW this Megazord's Galactabeast is a Rhino so that's why is it called the Centaurus Megazord genius.
Now let's fly with the Stratoforce Megazord
.Like the Centaurus
Megazord he was destroyed in the finale by Stingwingers.
Phoenix Galactabeast |
Now with 2 Megazords like that you need something to
carrier them with so introducing the Zenith Carrierzord.
Unfortunately i don't know its final
fate it was never destroyed on
screen but the colony Terra Venture was destroyed and I don't know if they evacuated him or not hope they did.
Like I said before Terra Venture was destroyed at the end of the series.
Unlike other Rangers teams Lost Galaxy used some tech from the previous team (Space) like the Astro Megaship and D.E.C.A.
and they both get destroyed bummer.
VS Scorpion Stinger |
part of D.E.C.A. |
Lost Galaxy also started the team-up tradition (I know that Zeo did it 1st but it's done better here)
.The episodes "To the Tenth Power" and "The Power of Pink" are
pretty good team-ups, the title " To the Tenth Power"
kinda makes no sense since there are 11 of them maybe they don't consider the Magna Defender a ranger and sadly
there no Zhane.
see Megazord Team-up, the 1st ever on Power Rangers |
Another thing that i want to see from this series is the Psycho Rangers they where badass.
Badass just badass |
Now we leave the Lost
Galaxy although they
been in the Lost Galaxy for a couple of episodes and rest took place in the not lost galaxy btw how do you lose a galaxy
okay this works |
anyway let's head back to Earth with Operation Lightspeed.
The Lightspeed Rangers still have their
powers but some of them are retired from active duty.
Interesting fact the 6th ranger or the Titanium Ranger is
an Power Rangers exclusive ranger
,he has no Sentai counterpart.
But GoGoFive had 2 6th rangers that weren't brought to Power Rangers.
There are some other alies to these guys are closer to the rangers in terms of power.
And now look at the Zord that Operation Lightspeed created.
Fun-fact initially it was supposed to be that the Zords were reversed engineered from
destroyed Megazords/Zords from the series.
1st up are the Rescue Zords and Lightspeed Megazord.
The Rescue Zords
The Lightspeed Megazord
The Lightspeed Megazord was
destroyed but since he was build with Lightspeed tech he can be
rebuild and upgraded maybe.
The Max Solarzord was also destroyed.
All aboard the Supertrain Megazord.
Unfortunately the ride is cancelled due to ti's destruction.Btw he is the 1st zord seen in the show and he kinda serves the role of carrier durring the series.
Mech has the shortest lifespan ever has appeared in the show for 2 episodes.
The next
mech just makes me sad with
it's destruction the Omega Megazord.
The Omegazords
Omegazord 1 |
Omegazord 2 |
Omegazord 3 |
Omegazord 4 |
Omegazord 5 |
Omega Crawler |
And now for the Megazord.
Orion Omega Megazord |
Orion Omega Megazord
is just the Omega Megazord + the power of the Lights of Orion
.This happened
in Trakeena's Revenge and this is
closest we
gotten to a Megazord fusion.
I really want the Cyborg Rangers to make a comeback they could be either allies or villains to rangers I don't care.
Now let's go back to the past in order to get back to the future with Time Force.
The Time Force Rangers still have their powers and they are in their respective timelines.
Wes and Eric are still fighting monsters in the
present yeah present while the rest are in the future.
Now let's look at some future Zords /Megazords 1st up are the Time Fliers.
These Zords are still intact and in storage in the year 3000
The Shadow Winger or the Time Shadow Megazord is still active.
And for my favorite zord from this series the Q-Rex or if you prefer the Quantasaurus Rex.
According to Power Rangers Central he is still active and under the command of Eric so maybe we'll see megazord combination between him and the Dragonzord the Q-Drago or The DragonRex.
The last Megazord of this series is the Transwarp
Megazord he is still active and he used to send the other Zords in the past and it does that by punching set object with enough force in order to send it back in time.
That's all for this list people just a few more series and I am
done so stay tuned for part IV.
All the info for this list was taken from these sites: